Bold Moves Podcast.

Making Brave Choices with Michelle Morgan, Co-Founder of Sharpen Partners.

We're very excited to share co-founder Michelle Morgan's recent interview on Kristen Rocco's excellent Bold Moves Podcast!

Michelle Morgan has worn many hats over her career—from earning a degree in architecture, then transitioning to opening a co-working space, and becoming an experience design consultancy co-owner. It’s a masterclass for the Bold Moves recipe and will inspire you to use the recipe to get going on your Bold Moves this year!

Michelle and Kristen talk about the “Your Desire” and “Who” parts of the Bold Moves recipe and the success Michelle has seen from applying these principles in her life.

She takes us along her Bold Moves journey and the insights she’s collected along the way to help inspire us to make brave choices!


  1. A memorable frame for the Bold Moves recipe.

  2. Why Michelle thinks women have been conditioned to tune out their intuition and why it’s critically important to tune back in.

  3. How to respond to a question when the answer is “no” when you want to give more of an explanation.

  4. Learn the bravest decision Michelle has ever made.

It’s live now! Listen online at:

JD Jordan

Awesome dad, killer novelist, design executive, and cancer survivor. Also, charming AF.


Make 2024 the year of the unicorn!


A founder’s affinity for Post-its.